Vertical aerial photography of locations across Scotland flown by and for Ordnance Survey.
Open. Imagery is accessible by appointment via the search room and Paid Search Service.
Ordnance Survey copyright applies to material less than 50 years old. For material over 50 years old standard licence terms for use apply.
Within the Scottish Office it was held by the Department of Health for Scotland until its 1962 transfer to the Scottish Development Department. Within these departments it was held by the entity variously known as the Air Photograph Library / Air Photographs Unit. The collection was transferred to RCAHMS in 1993.
500,000 aerial images.
GIS index in the search room, and on the NCAP website, provides access to digital copies of sortie plots and to digital copies of photomaps.
Panchromatic 9-inch rolled aerial film, 9x9-inch paper aerial prints, photomosaics, paper and digital sortie plots.
Crown Copyright
Vertical aerial survey photography and photomaps of locations in Scotland.